What is it?
A Live Wedding Painting is an original work of art that is painted on-site at your wedding. As a Live Wedding Painter, I will work to creatively capture and depict the feel of your wedding day and your love. A live wedding painting is one of the most unique wedding services to be offered, and is deservedly gaining popularity. It provides additional entertainment for your guests, and is a remarkable souvenir from your wedding day to bless your home for years to come.
How does it work?
I'll arrive at your venue before your ceremony, and set up my easel out of the way. I'll paint as many details from live reference as possible, and snap a photo you & your spouse during your chosen moment for reference. As the composition comes together, I'll continue working during your reception. The painting will come back to the studio with me to dry, receive any finishing touches needed, and get a coat of varnish to seal it. Your finished piece will be delivered or shipped to you a few weeks later!
Why should I get one?
A wedding painting is one of the most special things you could gift to yourself (or a newlywed couple)! A painting created specifically for YOU, from empty canvas to full composition, is a treasure that will last far beyond the wedding. Painted by someone who witnessed the entirety of the day, it is sure to bring you back every time you look at it. Not to mention, a painter has the ability to illustrate things you may have wished happened, or people you wish had been there. What better way to preserve the best day of your life?